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Once in a Lifetime
Jill Shalvis
Progress: 22/334 pages
His Risk to Take
Tessa Bailey
Progress: 55 %
The Most Expensive Night of Her Life
Amy Andrews
Making It Last
Ruthie Knox
Progress: 60 %
The Duke's Match Girl - A Fiery Tale Novella
Lila DiPasqua
Progress: 20 %

I am a Bunny

I Am a Bunny - Ole Risom, Richard Scarry I love this book so much. First, the illustrations by Richard Scarry take me back to the books I used to look at when I was a little, little girl. Secondly, the story is sweet and simple. It is about a little bunny's romp through nature during the four seasons. Reading this books makes me feel warmy and fuzzy on the inside. Finally, this oversized board book was one of the first books I used to read to my oldest daughter when she was a toddler. She used to sit on my lap, and I would read this to her then I just kiss her chubby cheeks over and over. She loved having me read to her. The simple words, the bright colors, and the expressive character make this book the perfect addition to any baby's beginning library.