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Taming His Tutor

Taming His Tutor - Natalie Anderson Taming the Tutor by Natalie Anderson: A Review
There’s nothing like a good children’s movie to engross your kids and sub-freezing weather to provide the perfect quiet to submerge yourself into a steamy romance novella. Although the premise of Taming the Tutor is as old as time, it is the sexy twist to Pygmalion that’ll keep you flipping through the pages.

Computer geek and magazine IT specialist, Abbi is trying to revamp her sex life since a former lover dumped her for being boring in the sack. Armed with sex toys, how to books, a sex advice columnist as a friend, and the guise of creating a Vixen App for her magazine’s female readers, Abbi goes headlong into tightening up her sex game (no pun intended). She doesn’t want to be just not boring, but absolutely unforgettable. Except she has one problem: she is too inexperienced to find a guy to test out her new knowledge.

In comes the handsome, love ‘em and leave ‘em, retired NBA player Joe Fuller. It’s lust at first sight all over again for Joe and Abbi, because she was his high school peer tutor and he’s been fantasizing about her ever since.

The story does take you on the expected erotic ride but it is an entertaining and enjoyable ride. Joe and Abbi engage in all sorts of sexy time. One a scale of 1 to 10, it is a solid six. It won’t singe your eyelashes, but it will reddened your cheeks. My only caveat, MILD SPOILER ALERT, there could have been a little more romance building between the two to give the ending the emotional punch it needed.

In short, Taming the Tutor is a like a steaming cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows on a cold day—it will satisfy you, warm you up but make you wish you had a bigger mug.