28 Following


Currently reading

Once in a Lifetime
Jill Shalvis
Progress: 22/334 pages
His Risk to Take
Tessa Bailey
Progress: 55 %
The Most Expensive Night of Her Life
Amy Andrews
Making It Last
Ruthie Knox
Progress: 60 %
The Duke's Match Girl - A Fiery Tale Novella
Lila DiPasqua
Progress: 20 %

The Butt Book

The Butt Book - Artie Bennett, Mike Lester If you don't mind peals of laughter and children screaming "ewwww," please read this funny and delightful ode to our bums. The story is written in rhyme and has wonderfully over-the-top illustrations created with scratchboard and watercolor. At least three times, I had to stop mid-story to chuckle and to laugh at the children's reaction. Definitely a big hit!