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Once in a Lifetime
Jill Shalvis
Progress: 22/334 pages
His Risk to Take
Tessa Bailey
Progress: 55 %
The Most Expensive Night of Her Life
Amy Andrews
Making It Last
Ruthie Knox
Progress: 60 %
The Duke's Match Girl - A Fiery Tale Novella
Lila DiPasqua
Progress: 20 %

Vegas Two-Step (Harlequin Super Romance #1639)

Vegas Two-Step - Liz Talley Small town good girl and children's librarian, Nellie Hughes, is stuck in a rut. After being convinced by her citied best friend, Nellie agrees to a makeover, an assumed identity and a week long trip to Vegas. Nellie falls head over heels for her fling with club owner Jack Darby, but when she leaves him heartbroken with more questions than answers, he tracks her down to Oak Stand, Texas where he tries to break down her resolve. The story was tightly paced, relatable, and PG-13 steamy. The dialogue was believable, and, at times, comedic. Jack and Nellie are a couple you end up rooting for despite their differences. I couldn't put this book down for more than a day without missing it.