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Currently reading

Once in a Lifetime
Jill Shalvis
Progress: 22/334 pages
His Risk to Take
Tessa Bailey
Progress: 55 %
The Most Expensive Night of Her Life
Amy Andrews
Making It Last
Ruthie Knox
Progress: 60 %
The Duke's Match Girl - A Fiery Tale Novella
Lila DiPasqua
Progress: 20 %

Max and Ruby Play School

Max and Ruby Play School - Rosemary Wells Oh that rascally Max always spoiling Ruby's best laid plans! In this cute take off of Rosemary Wells' adorable brother and sister team, big sister Ruby tries to get her little brother Max to play school with her. While teaching him his colors, ABCs, and how to count, you will find opportunities to teach your toddler or preschooler. My daughters love the cartoon thus finds the beginning reader relatable.